Have you ever lived in the box? Essentially going through the motions and not engaged. Join us for conversation about living life engaged with ourselves and others We want to live life un//boxed. We chat with therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, pastors, and more. How do we do this thing called life? How can we live courageously unjaded? How can we be connected to our emotions, families, friends, and thrive in life. How can we be creative and innovated at work and in communities? We look at topics of parenting, boundaries, emotional regulation, anxiety, stress, being creative, and much much more. Grab a coffee with us! Stay connected with us on social media accounts on Instagram, Facebook, and Tiktok. Join our email list on there.
A Conversation with Jon Parker LPC on current racial tension.
Haley Owens, LPC & Sara Wilson
Season 1
Episode 6
Here at un//boxed our mission is to live courageously unjaded. There is a lot going on in our world and especially in our City of Atlanta, Georgia. There is an awakening to hundreds of years of racial injustice. We sat down to have a conversation with Jon Parker, LPC, who is a black man living in the city. He shares his heart, experiences, and professional expertise.